Why use the Frontend Mentor Hiring platform
Access a passionate talent pool of early-career developers. Evaluate skills based on real projects. Engage the right candidates in minutes.
Our hiring platform connects you with thousands of talented, motivated, ready-to-hire web developers and lets you evaluate them based on real-world projects, not self-reported claims.
Start hiring developersTestimonials
We’ve been seriously impressed by the quality of the developers in the Frontend Mentor community. There are so many potentially great hires to search through. The coding challenges they offer help us evaluate each developer’s skills before making contact, which saves so much time.

How Frontend Mentor Hiring solves two of the biggest challenges in hiring tech talent.
Let’s face it: Hiring is hardly a small feat.
It starts when you decide to hire a developer. So, you put the word out, post a listing, and share the position across social media… Soon enough, applications begin to roll in—lots and lots of them.
This is when the first challenge occurs. You need to sift through them all, one by one. You need to read every application, assess the fit, and figure out whom to invite for initial screening.
Granted, you could use an automated system to do that for you, but you know you’d most likely lose many high-quality candidates in the process.
This leads us to challenge number two. You can only evaluate candidates based on what their application tells you. But we both know their self-reported skills don’t always match reality. Unfortunately, by the time you realize it, the person might have gone through a series of steps in the process...
But when you use Frontend Mentor Hiring, you get to find tech talent quickly. You also have tangible data and projects to evaluate their skills and abilities. And you have all the tools to engage them and begin the hiring process.
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A large pool of passionate early-career developers right out of the box
It’s a bold, true claim; Frontend Mentor Hiring is different. When you sign up, you immediately gain access to a large, diverse, skilled, and passionate talent pool from the Frontend Mentor community.
The Frontend Mentor community is global. It consists of thousands of high-quality developers from all backgrounds who hone their coding skills by building real-world projects.
Find qualified candidates based on specific criteria like skills, location, or contract type.
Build a list of relevant candidates and review their actual work to assess their skills and abilities.
Reach out, engage, and begin talking with your top talent in minutes.

Real-world skills, not self-reported claims
Traditional resumes and interviews often don’t provide enough insight into candidates’ coding abilities. Yet, you often have no other information to assess candidates besides their formal education, work history, previous job titles, or portfolio projects that might just be code-along exercises.
Unfortunately, this is typically hardly enough to assess the person’s potential to succeed in a particular role.
Frontend Mentor Hiring uses a skills-first approach to recruitment. Our platform lets you evaluate candidates based on proven skills, abilities, and potential by reviewing their completed, real-world projects.
All developers on Frontend Mentor build projects to improve their skills.
Only developers who reach a certain threshold can activate the “available for hire” status.
Every candidate profile includes essential information you need to decide whether to make contact.

Powerful search engine
No one enjoys sifting through thousands of resumes or applications. Or digging through countless databases of candidates, reviewing profiles...
That’s why Frontend Mentor Hiring includes a powerful yet simple-to-use search engine to help you find and start talking to qualified candidates in minutes.
Search by desired skills, contract type, location, and more.
Filter by salary expectations and more.
Build a list of desired candidates in minutes.
Start a free trial
Start a 14-day free trial with 10 message credits—no credit card required.
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